I finally have a job, it's not great, doesn't pay well, and I work with a lot of idiots haha. But! It's really fun, I'm learning a ton about the game industy and how the development process works and it's a great foot in the door for my dream job.
It's basically game testing at Sony, working on uncharted 2, which kicks ass for me coz I loved the first one plus there's multiplayer which makes testing more refreshing.
Sucks I couldn't find something a bit better so I could buy a house but it's cool, might move into a new apartment soon and get away from this college town. Another plus for having a job, parents can stop bothering me about it. They'll prolly go back to me with marriage so they can get their grandkids asap.
Thinking of blogging about my successes and failures with my job search and help some peeps out
If The English Dub Can Catch Up to One Piece, So Can You
17 minutes ago
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