4 Weddings (1 down), 3 trips (1 down)and my journey to the perfect job still continues.
Took a break from wow, been playing my xbox more: street fighter, ghost busters and will start playing COD4 again for practice when Modern Warfare2 hits. With all that playing tho, my xbox red ringed and eventually died on me. What sucks more is that its past the 3 year extended warranty and would cost 100 to fix so what did I do? bought a new one =( haha. Figure i could do it with the money i got from texas.
Flo-master kicked my ass but it was awesome. The dance is making more sense to me each day and hearing what he had to say made it that much easier. I got his number too so whenever I go home, I will definitely call him up.
Everything else:
Lyn and I survived 5 years together. wee.
ugh im too tired to write anything else, will continue another time
If The English Dub Can Catch Up to One Piece, So Can You
31 minutes ago
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