Things have been crazy since 09.
Got a job at sony, lost the job at sony (they moved dept to sd).
Moved in with Lyn and skippy to Foster City.
And now i'm interning at this place in SF, yes its ironic that now i'm further south, I find a job up here.
Its great so far, learning a ton and showing my team that I'm very capable of what they're throwing at me. I'm hoping to prove to them in the shortest amount of time that I deserve this job and can do more. The 2 week trial is almost up and after that I'll be a permanent intern for the time being. Afterwards, If I last 1 month, they'll give me a little something something to pay the bills/bart. Then, hopefully a full time job! so far I'm trying to stand out from among the interns they have here by just being more awesome. and of course i come in earlier stay later sort of thing.
Lyn commented that I'm doing so much work for them and i'm not even being paid, which she's right as Ive heard just recently one of the interns here just left for a paid gig somewhere else. Im secretly hoping they'll come to their senses and just start paying us sooner, ha, wishful thinking.
In the meantime, ill hold my ground here, take what I can and create the opportunity myself, whether its w/ them or someone else we'll see. I do like this co tho and the people are all pretty cool, minus the smelly dudes outside our office. wtf take a shower then come in to work
If The English Dub Can Catch Up to One Piece, So Can You
28 minutes ago
Keep your head up, Mike! You are more than capable, believe me! Kinda sucks right now, but it won't be like that forever, right? I commend you for jumping out there though (a little knudge from the Sony relocation), but you're out there nonetheless. I should take your lead and do the same! Keep on, keeping on, right?! Tell my Twin I said hi!
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