Finally finished watching BSG and I'm sad, sad because I finally found a good sci fi show to watch (i loved DS9, voyager and all those older trek shows, babylon5, firefly, etc) and now i have nothing. I have high hopes for the live action star wars show, really high hopes tbh. I'm also looking forward to the next trek movie, which looks insanely awesome btw.
Anyways, recap on the week: finished my interview w/ the CEO on monday and it went really well. I was able to express my ideas that would work very well w/ their company, maybe too well because he actually wrote them down so if I don't get hired, they may use them, oh the irony. The weirdest thing was him asking if i was smart: umm sure i said, why would i say no haha. He then asked me a trivia question about 3 switches and 3 lightbulbs (u have to figure out which switch belongs to which bulb without going into the light room more than once.) I actually knew the answer as soon as he asked it but i had to play dumb. Well he was impressed and then proceeded to ask me a math question. It was easy, come on, I went up to calculus lol. I should be getting a call back soon so hopefully it looks good for me, otherwise I might have to move back home for a while.
WOW update, 2 pieces away from all purples. Probably my one most desirable goal is to be fully epicced out in all tier gier. Should be soon the way I'm raiding haha. I spend way too much time on the game but I know I wont ever have this opportunity again once I start working so might as well take advantage right?
If The English Dub Can Catch Up to One Piece, So Can You
21 minutes ago
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