I make sure to complete a game before moving on to the next, but I really couldn't hold back when GOW2 came out, I've been waiting since the first release to play the campaign. Unlike most shooters, I really enjoy the camapaign (I played it on coop btw). Everything about the game makes it fun for me: the story is much better than the first, this time dealing with Dom's lost wife, an old research facility, a Queen, and a much more thought out development on how to kill of the Locusts. The first game was, ok, lets go here, plant a bomb and we're good. Eh, kinda lame but the thrill of chainsawing your enemies pretty much held all the way through (plus the graphics were amazing).
The graphics in the sequel was a nice upgrade from the first. You can see buildings from a farther distance now, there's a lot of "dust" from fires floating around similar to that of the half life 2 engine I experienced in Counterstrike source, and a lot of the glitches I saw from the first game were toned down, not much but still an improvement.
I tried the multiplayer a few times too. Horde mode is actually pretty fun, but you need to play with 5 people, hopefully all friends to get the maximum enjoyment. I'm more of a fan of large groups fighting online such as big team deathmatches or large scale capture the flag but Gears has such a unique system (cover, run, active reload) that these large scale matches would be pretty weird to fight in so I understand. i hope to be playing Gears more, but I've got my plate full with so many other games at the moment. Not a complaint, just an annoyance haha
If The English Dub Can Catch Up to One Piece, So Can You
19 minutes ago
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