After 2 years at Fathom Online/Geary Interactive I'm finally taking a step in the right direction. Thats right, Gaming! I will be the Marketing Specialist at Airplay. Great Opportunity for me since I'm looking for a more general marketing role right now where I can really experience a lot of different jobs that'll help me decide which to focus on for my next position. Obviously another factor is the fact that this site is gaming focused, even if it isn't exactly traditional gaming.
Airplay Description:
AirPlay lets you play along as you watch your favorite sports events and TV shows – from NFL, NBA, and MLB games to Deal or No Deal. Compete for prizes and chat with others - LIVE!
See, for me, I really see this position as a great stepping stone to say Nintendo, or Lucas Arts (my top 2 places I'd love to work for). When I applied/interviewed at traditional gaming companies I know in the back of their minds that although I was qualified for their position, I don't have any related gaming experience. Now after lets say a year or so at Airplay, I'll not only have years of marketing under my belt, but a good amount of experience in the gaming industry. Cheers to working hard towards your goal!
If The English Dub Can Catch Up to One Piece, So Can You
22 minutes ago
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